Rural Africa in motion. Dynamics and drivers of migration South of the Sahara
Voluntary or forced displacement of rural farmers and peasants, who are normally self-sufficient into Internally Displaced People’s Camps (IDPs)
Youth unemployment is Africa’s greatest challenge
International concerns on African migration and slave trade
UNSC condemns slave trade in Libya – Video 07-Dec-2017
Security Council Reiterates its Condemnation of Trafficking in Persons, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2388 (2017)
Statement to the United Nations Security Council – 28 November 2017
The European Parliament
High-level conference “Towards a renewed partnership with Africa” 14th November 2017
State of the Union 2017 – Commission presents next steps towards a stronger, more effective and fairer EU migration and asylum policy – 27 September 2017
The British House of Commons
Enslavement of Black Africans (Libya) 18 December 2017
Horn of Africa: Migration: Written question – 118060
To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, if he will make an assessment of the effectiveness of the Khartoum Process on tackling migration within the Horn of Africa.
Answered by: Sir Alan Duncan – The Khartoum Process has enhanced cooperation between the EU and African partners in tackling the challenges of illegal migration in the Horn of Africa. It continues to make progress under the Valetta Action Plan in combatting people smuggling and trafficking, and in bolstering regional protection for refugees. The UK will remain engaged under Italy’s upcoming chairmanship and beyond.
Migrant population in the UK since 2007 – 3rd August 2017
Parliamentary Question. What steps the Government are taking to tackle migration from countries in Africa to the EU. [904375] – 11 April 2016
The African Union
Science and African migration
Weather-induced conflicts in developing countries spill over to developed countries through asylum applications – 22 December 2017
1 in 3 Nigerians are seeking to leave for greener pastures in other countries – 21 December 2017
Message by Bishop of Gazo, Molta, Fr. Mario Grech
“We are in the presence of twenty-four unidentified dead human bodies but we know that many more, hundreds, lay in the great graveyard that the Mare Nostrum has become. We know not their names, their lives, – we just know that they were escaping from a desperate situation trying to find freedom and a better life.,-bishop-of-gozo,-during-the-migrants-inter-faith-funeral-service